A tutor offers assistance, answers questions and helps you to overcome obstacles
The Faculty of Public Administration of the University of Ljubljana is a modern faculty and one of the first to develop tutoring following the renovation of study processes in accordance with the Bologna Declaration with the aim of guiding students from enrolment to diploma and making them independent in their studies and career path selection.
The Faculty of Public Administration has formed the following tutoring systems:
1. Introductory student tutorship for new students,
2. Course student tutoring,
3. Student tutoring for compulsory practices,
4. Student tutoring for students with special status,
5. Student tutoring for foreign students,
6. Scientific research tutoring.
The Faculty organises seminars, monthly motivational meetings and other forms of education for the training of tutors.
All individual forms of tutoring are mentored by the teacher tutors.
- The student tutors, teacher tutors and coordinators are united in the Tutor Council. The Tutor Council discusses and decides on issues of tutor work, planning, implementing and reporting. The Tutor Council adopts the annual report on tutor work at a regular annual meeting and draws up the annual work plan for the coming year, which is to be approved by the Senate. The Tutor Council is managed by the higher education teacher entrusted with study and student affairs. The technical assistant for tutoring takes part in the work of the Tutor Council.
- A student tutor is a student of any study programme implemented in the current academic year who meets the conditions of the call for applications and has been chosen in the call for applications and is appointed by a decision of the Faculty Senate for the current academic year. The Faculty issues a public call for applications at least once a year, no later than on 31st October for the current academic year, which can be applied to by students who wish to participate in one of the forms of the tutoring system. A commission, appointed by the Dean, performs selection interviews with the candidates. In making its selection, the commission looks for a positive attitude towards tutoring as well as knowledge of the Faculty operations, its study programmes, broader student issues and communication skills. The commission submits its proposals to the Senate, which finally appoints the tutors.
The basic tasks of tutors are:
- Education,
- Implementation of tutorship lessons,
- Communication with students via e-mail,
- Drawing up of semi-annual and annual reports on their work, which contain the number of tutorship lessons conducted and questions frequently asked by students or
- Writing of a journal, based on which tutors draw up a report on their work.
E-mail: crpo@fu.uni-lj.si