Student tutorship for compulsory practice placement (internship) is intended for students to, as easily and quickly as possible, choose an organisation that is best suited for them to successfully complete their student practice placement (internship). A student tutor for compulsory practice placement (internship) can help them achieve that by advising them in light of his or her own experience, especially concerning who a student should turn to, where a student should obtain the needed information, what the student’s obligations are, how to successfully prepare a problem-solving paper and so forth.
Who can be a student tutor for compulsory practice placement (internship)?
In order to carry out student tutorship for compulsory practice placement (internship), a student must have completed student practice placement (internship) at least once with a mark of at least 8 and be familiar with all the rules and information systems for implementing student practice placement (internship) at the Faculty. In the selection process, students with a higher average mark in their studies so far are given priority.
The chosen student must attend training for student tutors, organised by the Faculty, prior to the start of the work or the study.
Character Traits and Other Knowledge of a Student Tutor for Compulsory Practice placement (internship):
Above all, a student tutor for compulsory practice placement (internship) must be prepared to offer assistance in choosing the organisation at which students will attend their student practice placement (internship). Furthermore, the student tutor must have the relevant methodological knowledge and the ability to process and interpret the obtained results.