Head of the research group: prof. dr. Aleksander Aristovnik
Hybrid organizations result from the hybridization of for-profit and non-profit dimensions. Hybridity involves the interplay between government, civil society, and the economy. More specifically, it refers to goal-oriented activities in joint ownership, incongruent goals, and parallel institutional logic. It also encompasses a multiplicity of financing sources and the changing nature of financial and social control across these realms of activity. As such, hybrid organizations operate on the borderline between the non-profit (or public) and for-profit (or private) sectors and are simultaneously market-oriented and mission-driven. In summary, they exhibit multiple logics of value creation by combining economic and social values. However, measuring the performance of hybrid organizations is anything but an easy task, which indicates the need for a comprehensive scientific examination. Consequently, this research will contribute to understanding all the challenges hybrid organizations face when measuring performance and will underscore the critical role of appropriate performance measurement tools for such organizations.
The primary aim of the research is to examine the trends and future directions of performance measurement in hybrid organizations, considering specific implications for Slovenia and Finland. Initially, the research will focus on analyzing these trends through a bibliometric analysis of relevant scientific literature. Subsequently, it will identify potential future directions for performance measurement in hybrid organizations. Given that choosing an adequate performance evaluation tool is a challenging task for hybrid organizations, a comprehensive overview of existing solutions will provide useful insights. These may facilitate further advances in the performance measurement of hybrid organizations and improve the overall interplay between government, civil society, and the economy.
Duration (from/to):
from 1. 1. 2025 to 31. 12. 2026
Contracting Authority:
Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
Project Partner:
Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University

Members of the research group:
Members of the research group in the partner country:
dr. Jarmo Vakkuri
dr. Jan-Erik Johanson
Elina Vikstedt
Objectives of bilateral cooperation activities
The bilateral cooperation activity aims to help strengthen the knowledge of policy makers in Slovenia and Finland. In addition, the bilateral cooperation activity includes important elements of scalability, as the results will provide a framework for further empirical studies that are transferable to an international context. The added value of the cooperation between researchers from Slovenia and Finland is the exchange of specific knowledge and experience.
The main objectives of the cooperation are:
1) to combine the theoretical and empirical perspectives of the presented research topic;
2) to establish a basis for future cooperation on research projects;
3) to strengthen/include cooperation between young and experienced researchers.
All the researchers involved in this bilateral cooperation activity are experts in their fields. The proposed research will contribute to the general literature with new theoretical and empirical evidence in a systematic and comprehensive way. The empirical analysis will be embedded in an in-depth theoretical and methodological background. The results of this research will contribute to academic and practical knowledge and will help researchers and practitioners in the field to conduct research in theory and practice. Complementarity will be exercised by combining theoretical and empirical questions. In addition, the bilateral cooperation activity is a good opportunity to involve young researchers in international cooperation, as both partners involve selected young PhD students or postdoctoral researchers in the research work. Students from both institutions will also benefit as both leaders of the bilateral cooperation activity plan to present the main results of the research during their guest lectures at the partner institutions. Joint presentations at selected international conferences are foreseen. The outcome of the cooperation should also be visible in the form of scientific articles published in some highly indexed (ISI) journals.