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A doctoral candidate shall submit an application for approval of the doctoral dissertation proposal to the responsible body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Faculty.

The application shall contain information on the doctoral candidate and:

1. the doctoral dissertation proposal (3 to 7 pages of text and a list of the main references and sources), comprising:
• the title of the dissertation in Slovenian, Croatian and English language;
• the research field of the doctoral dissertation;
• a research description, including:
- a brief overview of the specific research field and a presentation of the research done to date in the field of the dissertation, and the purpose of the research;
- clearly presented hypotheses or research questions or objectives with a brief explanation;
- the research concept and a description of the research methods;
- the definition of expected results and the original contribution to science;
- a list of relevant references from the field of the dissertation;
• a draft of the research data management plan in accordance with Article 28 of the Rules on joint doctoral study programme Governance and Economics in the Public Sector (publish here).

Students will receive a timeline for the preparation of the disposition in the 1st year of study.