About the Programme
The master’s degree programme in Management in Administration enables students to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of the content of administrative-legal, organisational, economic, information technology, business management and human resources management areas. The objectives of the programme relate to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the importance and problems of management in administration, with the ability to solve more challenging problems. The programme builds on and deepens the knowledge and skills acquired in the first cycle of study, as it is designed as a second cycle of study in administrative sciences and thus serves as an extension of the three-year study programmes of the first cycle.
The programme provides the necessary knowledge to understand the functioning of organisations and their processes. It improves knowledge in introducing market economy criteria for the operation of the public sector in accordance with recognised policies and practises, analyses issues of budget financing, forms of privatisation and compares them with different financing solutions in other market economies. The programme provides knowledge in the field of good governance, strategic management, and leadership. The service orientation of administration and customer orientation are mastered by students with the support of knowledge and skills in the field of innovation and industrial psychology. The programme also deals with content related to the current digitalisation of public administration. An important element of the programme is practical learning and the teaching of research tools that enable students to independently and critically examine phenomena related to management in public administration.
The programme enables students to independently analyse and synthesise situations to solve challenging professional problems using appropriate tools and methods. This is the aim of the mainly application-oriented focus of the compulsory and elective courses within the programme. The upgrade of knowledge and the application of research tools enable students to solve scientific problems independently. The acquired knowledge and skills form a set of competences that enable students to deal with organisational problems in public administration. Students are trained to independently recognise the challenges of management in public administration, global trends, and possible future directions of development in this field of science. Students are also trained to conduct independent research, use critical analytical tools in problem solving and synthesise knowledge in the field of public management.
The general and course-specific competences and skills acquired enable students to manage the most demanding projects. They can assume the most demanding professional and managerial positions in the public sector, in non-profit organisations and in companies doing business with the public sector. The programme is designed as a foundation for further studies in governance, public sector economics and business management in the third cycle programmes.
Programme Director: Primož Pevcin, Ph.D., Full Professor