Rok za prijavo: torek 30. 1. 2024 do 12. ure
Udeležite se mednarodnega Erasmus+ tedna v Romuniji na temo CONFLICT RESOLUTION FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE!
Priložnost za študente Fakultete za upravo, da se brezplačno in s podporo Erasmus+ štipendije udeležite Erasmus+ kombiniranega intenzivnega programa na temo CONFLICT RESOLUTION FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE, ki bo potekal delno virtualno in delno v živo v Cluj-Napoca, in sicer v času od 15. aprila do 26. aprila 2024.
Študenti ste upravičeni do Erasmus+ štipendije za bivanje in druge stroške:
- 79 € na dan,
- dodatek Javnga sklada: 1,68 € na dan
- dodatek za šudente z manj priložnostmi: 100 €,
- sredstva za pot: enkraten dodatek za zeleno pot 50 € oz. za študente z manj priložnostmi je znesek odvisen od kilometrine.
Rok za prijavo: torek 30. januar 2024 do 12. ure preko spletne prijave
Intervjuji z vsemi prijavljenimi kandidati bodo potekali, preko ZOOMa, ob 9:00. V kolikor ob tej uri ne utegnete, bo rezervni termin ob 12:00.
Program bo v celoti potekal v angleškem jeziku.
ECTS gained: 3 ECTS
Več informacij tukaj
Razlogi za prijavo:
- no attendance fee
- innovative teaching methods
- courses held by faculty members from Babeș-Bolyai
- University, State University of New York at Cortland.
- financial support from the ERASMUS+ Program
- form friendships and connections
- get a glimpse at Romanian academic and cultural life
- learn new skills
- get a crash course in a subject you may want to study
- receive a grade and 3 ECTS credits and a certificate of attendance
- on request, on-campus accommodation at a reasonable price (aprox. 7 EUR/night in triple room or 10
EUR/nigh in double rooms) - explore Cluj-Napoca, ranked as the best studentfriendly city in Romania.
Okvirni program:
Reconciliation after Violent and
Protracted Armed Conflicts (Assoc. prof. dr. Laura-Maria Herța)
- Aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to address the multifaceted challenges of healing and rebuilding societies that have endured prolonged periods of violence and conflict.
Crisis Communication Strategies: Navigating Unforeseen Challengeser (Assoc. prof. dr. Delia PopFlanja/ Lect. dr. Roxana-Maria Nistor)
- This course is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage unforeseen challenges during times of crisis.
Conflict Management as a Prerequisite for the EU Enlargement Policy (Assoc. prof. dr.Adrian-Gabirel Corpădean)
- Aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of effective conflict management in the context of the EU’s enlargement policy.
On-Site Location: Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 1, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, România
Dodatne informacije:
- Language: English (B2 level recommended)
- Level of study: Bachelor and Master students
- Other participants: faculty members/administrative staff (staff training mobility within the Erasmus+ program)
- The organization of the summer school (courses, cultural activities, promotional materials, coffee breaks) will be covered
by Babeș-Bolyai University with the support of the EU – Erasmus+ program (BIP funds) - Students’ travel and subsistence costs are supported by their home universities (from Erasmus+ funds).