Rok za prijavo: sreda 13. 9. 2023 do 12. ure
Udeležite se mednarodnega Erasmus+ tedna v Avstriji v Celovcu na temo trajnosti!
Priložnost za študente Fakultete za upravo, da se brezplačno in s podporo Erasmus+ štipendije udeležite Erasmus+ kombiniranega intenzivnega programa na temo S U S T A I N A B L E E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P, ki bo potekal delno virtualno in delno v živo v Celovcu, in sicer v času od 16. oktobra do 20. oktobra 2023.
Študenti ste upravičeno do Erasmus+ štipendije: 70 EUR/dan, potni stroški: 23 € + dodatek za zeleno potovanje v višini 50 €, dodatek za študente z manj priložnostmi: 100 €.
Rok za prijavo: sreda 13. september 2023 do 12. ure preko spletne prijave
Program bo v celoti potekal v angleškem jeziku.
ECTS gained: 3 ECTS
Več informacij tukaj
Okvirni program:
Virtual Sessions:
- Session 1: Oct 5 (17:00-18:30 CET) Kick-off & Team-Building
- Session 2: Oct 10 (17:00-18:30 CET) Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Business Model Design
- Session 3: Oct 12-(17:00-18:30 CET) Idea Generation & SDGs
On-site (Klagenfurt, Austria):
- Oct 16, Mon (9:00-17:00) A guided tour of the Makerspace & Team-building activity Workshop on Ideation
- Oct 17, Tue (9:00-17:00) Business idea group-work and one- to-one coaching Business Model Canvas
- Oct 18, Wed (9:00-17:00) Prototyping and Design Thinking Business idea group-work and one-to-one coaching
- Oct 19, Thu (9:00-17:00) Fear of Failure Workshop Business idea group-work and one- to-one coaching
- Oct 20, Fri (10:00-20:00) Pitch training Group work and pitching competition with a jury
- Oct 21, Sat (9:00-13:00) Learning transfer
- Oct 31,- (17:00-18:30 CET) Reflection
On-Site Location: M A K E R S P A C E , L A S T E N S T R A S S E 2 6
F H K A E R N T E N , P R I M O S C H G A S S E 1 0, Klagenfurt
Suggested Student Accomodation:
- Kolpinghaus Klagenfurt-Ost (nearest)
Enzenbergstraße 26, 9020 Klagenfurt
(+43) 463 56965 - Jugend- und Familiengästehause Klagenfurt
Neckheimgasse 6, 9020 Klagenfurt
(+43) 463 23 0020
University Partners:
FH-Prof. Dr. Eithne Knappitsch, Carinthia university of Applied Sciences, Austria
Dr. Anna Zinenko, Universität Autònoma de Barcelona (FUABformació Escola de Turisme i Direcció Hotelera), Spain
Dr. Tatjana Kozjek, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration
University of Udine
Cooperation Partners:
Global Case Study Challenge
Alps-Adriatic Entrepreneurial Associations
Local Alps-Adriatic Start-ups & Business Experts